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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. But seriously...stop the insults or you will get some time off.
  2. Sam sucks. PJ sucks. Hurt Sam sucks less than healthy PJ. Sam sucks but is still our best chance to win.
  3. No. Igor has a tell or two. Geronimo is someone else, though.
  4. I know, but man Horn is gonna be a stud. And corner was almost as big a need. Either way we probably would have had regrets (not that horn is doing us any good, atm).
  5. Only thing different I would have done was get a LT. Fixing that OL is priority #1-4 next year. Should have been a much bigger one this year. QB is a need, but we got to get that lol OL squaredvaway first. (My phone autocorrected OL to lol and I thought it was accurate so I left it in there.)
  6. that's how it starts. an obsession with arguing.
  7. and he's not the first and he won't be the last to pull this kind of thing. i'm used to it. i've been dealing with turds in here for however many years i've been doing this (i don't even know).
  8. 1) i know it may seem like it, but I'm not here all the time. when i am, though, i know when that guy and a few others are here so you don't need to keep drawing my attention to it. i'll take care of it when i can. 2) don't feed the trolls. that means don't engage. show some restraint.
  9. I was more thinking accuracy. Bad throws going to recievers who suffer chronicly from the dropsies don't usually result in positive things....and that's Sam throwing to his receivers. It gets worse with PJ.
  10. 1) who's going to throw them? 2) who's going to catch them? PJs arm makes Sam's arm look good. And our WRs still grease their hands before each play.
  11. at the moment we have no other options. Sam's in the protocol.
  12. Was the actual performance much better? And why would anyone want to rewatch it unless they were a pj superfan?
  13. Stands might have been empty because of covid, but the rest I'm not gonna dispute.
  14. It ain't hurting you. You'll be ok. It's not like you're the one having to ban him a hundred times
  15. I have a feeling we're going to hear these words again post game "they did that ngs we haven't seen before". I hate the Bill, but the guy can outscheme and outcoach even the best and most experienced of coaches. The only time they get beat is if the team they are playing has an elite athlete that they have no answer for. Like early Cam and Luke. Best chance we have is for CMC to play a full game, but even then who is going to get him the ball? Our coaching staff is going to get schooled...again...at home.... again.
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