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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. I got tired of listening to dwill pretty soon after football was done with him. It didn't take long for most media outlets to get tired of listening to him too. Basically...I'm not putting myself through that. As far as Barnidge is concerned...
  2. Even with teddy and sam i can understand the rationale....i don't think it was the best thing to do, giving either guy extra years before we know what they really bring to the table, but you want to show that you have some faith in what they can do. i blame the extra contract length on marty because that's just a think he would do. what they did with sam, they just had too much confidence in their ability to see potential and coach it up. the separation from Cam was a tough call, but i still don't think it was a wrong one. how and when we let him go was a problem, but letting him go i think was good for a new regime trying to create it's identity and good for him (as far as maturing and gaining new experience with another org).
  3. What matters is today and what we do tomorrow.
  4. But Atl is and they are getting whooped....again. Saints are and they're likely not going to win and may not win much at all the rest of the season. Bucs are losing to the generic football team led by generic Ron. For a team that is still surprisingly in the playoff hunt, that's all helpful. I'll say this right here, the bucs have peaked. The saints have definitely peaked. And the falcons just suck. Meanwhile we're getting back QB1. And then the team we are facing today is going to be without a couple very key players including their stud QB...that's a much better situation than we could have hoped for.
  5. things never happen until they happen. the "impossible" happens all the time.
  6. This season has been so screwy for so many teams I don't know how you can cement all but a couple teams in or out of the playoffs. Some teams you'd think we're sure things have had issues come up that put them on shaky ground and other teams you think wouldn't have a chance are now only a game or two out. I like our chances mainly because the league is just so unpredictable right now.
  7. Based on what I've seen around the league this year I think we've got a shot tomorrow.
  8. I think he needed a break from here to get to the next level in his personal development.
  9. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that we're moving forward. Was there a waste of money? Probably, but it wasn't mine so I'm not crying. But as far as what brought it about and who is to blame....don't look for just one party because that's very rarely the case. Cam wanted a long term contract but he hadn't been healthy in several years. Do you give a long term contract to a great, but often injured player that the offense is built around? (Yes...you could ask that about CMC as well) Also, it could be that the culture that Rhule wanted to cultivate in this team didn't mesh well with Cam's larger than life personality. There's nothing wrong with what Rhule wanted to do (a culture that is more about getting down to business than partying while you do business) and nothing wrong with Cam's personality (contrary to what some people whos minds are stuck in an outdated and narrow-minded point of view). But sometimes the chemistry isn't right. I think the situation and players involved have evolved to make it work in a way it wouldn't have before. Basically the time is right when it may not have been before.
  10. You all do know this thread was a random bump of a month old thread by a spammer, right?
  11. We got Cam back. That's all that matters.
  12. I saw it last week when the pats scored on us. Pissed me off even more.
  13. I swear it's like dealing with 7 year olds in here.
  14. Cam is still one of the most dangerous short yardage players in the league. If they haven't forgotten to respect him, it won't take long for that respect to come back which will open things up for the rest of the offense in those situations. I'm not at all worried about the OL in those situations. Cam & co. will still be able to get that done. One (of many) advantages we have in Cam over Sam is that Cam won't get flustered and lose confidence when things start to collapse. Sam crumbles under pressure. Cam thrives in it. Not only does Cam not crumble, he rallies the players around him in a way that few have ever been able to do. What made Cam great wasn't just the physical parts of his game, it was the incredible amount of contagious confidence that he brought onto the field spreading to the players and that filled the stadium. As long as he has that, we've got a chance.
  15. He's here. He's gonna start. Who made that decision doesn't matter to me as long as it was made.
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