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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. I just don't think that was his doing or his desire. I think this crew was either forced on him or he was told to let people who know people in the league pick people rather than stick to his tiny comfort zone.
  2. I have seen nothing to suggest he can. We'll see this year. Hope he doesn't try to micromanage this point. He's got a good group of coaches working with him. Let's hope he lets them do their job.
  3. Never saw the first one. Won't see this one either.
  4. you know....i'm not even bothered by it or anything related to robby/ie.
  5. this is what gets me. rhule had his guys and they weren't able to handle the job, just like himself. these other guys that were hired, who made the call on them? was it rhule or someone over his head? either way, when it comes down to game time, is rhule going to be taking the reigns back? i've seen it before even with rivera twice. you see a different direction in the way he ran games, but you can tell it was forced on him or at the very least wasn't natural to him and things looked better for a little while, but then he went back to natural tendencies and everything fell apart. i think rhule is more of a control freak than rivera is so i see any transitions being hard for him, especially if they weren't his idea. when push comes to shove, is rhule going to digress back to old micromanaging rhule?
  6. It's going to take someone with some big balls to fill those shoes.
  7. He doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. There's no reason to give it to him. Until he proves otherwise, he's inept. Every goof and blunder is only going to solidify that opinion from most people.
  8. he's earned it. he's just not cut out for the pressure.
  9. i'll take the guy who was giving an effort over the guy who wasn't. every throw matters.
  10. trying to look cool. he's going to try and look like the laid back "leader" of the pack trying to show how comfortable he is to the newbs. comfortable is the last thing he should be.
  11. i know there's not much going on, but Corral looks like he means business with his throws. 4 and 14 just toss it like it's no big deal.
  12. So sammy wasn't going to let Corral be first out there by himself. Maybe Corral could be a good mentor for sammy?
  13. they're giving themselves no other options. they've dug themselves in a hole and they're stuck in it. they can get themselves out, but it's going to cost them one way or the other. they are hoping for an outcome that just won't take place.
  14. Everyone knows what the deal is. the fact that they are keeping him around hoping miraculously for some trade eventually is a futile effort. any teams that would be interested know it's only a matter of time. cleveland is banking on some team having a catastrophic injury to their QB to make a trade. it's a gamble that likely won't pay off. i understand they don't want to lose money on baker, but they are already losing money and they'll keep bleeding it. cleveland is also trying to insure themselves against a watson suspension but that's a gamble that won't likely pay off either because if baker isn't practicing for them, he isn't playing for them. he owes them nothing and there's very little benefit to him stepping up. they don't want him there. he doesn't want to be there. they don't want him to play for them and he doesn't want to play for them. why would you want that for your team?
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