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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. I can honestly say I don't really care at this point who is starting. It's going to be so up and down no matter who is slinging the ball, results won't be much different than they are now. I'm much more interested in who is the QB next year and I don't want it to be PJ, Sammy, or Baker. I'm done with all of them. I've seen everything I want to see and I don't want to see anymore.
  2. maybe the best non-roided OL we've ever had.
  3. just as a point of reference....this is from 2020 article where Orlovsky was asked about how he'd rank the QBs selected in the previous 2 years. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/sports/nfl/bengals/2020/04/29/espns-dan-orlovsky-ranks-burrow-darnold-top-quarterbacks-3-drafts/3048272001/ so in his rankings... 1) Sam Darnold 2) Joe Burrows 3) Kyler Murray 4) Tua Tagovailoa 5) Lamar Jackson
  4. So first, nice well thought out good post. You shouldn't have taken so long for it. Second....what is your solution, then. I hear plenty of people make the same argument against drafting one early, which I understand, but that's all they do. That's not good enough. Come up with a solution.
  5. I will say that if Stroud and Young are gone when we pick, but Anderson, Jalen Carter, or Myles Murphy is there, you go with that then do what it takes to grab your next favorite QB. But you do what you can to get a QB. You don't leave the draft without spending a lot of resources to pick up the best QB you can.
  6. But they'll be an even better class of QBs in '25!!!!!!!!!!! Meh....quit playing this stupid game and just try to get the best QB you can WHEN you can.
  7. Fitt for sure isn't immune from blame, but it seems like a move pushed by rhule and snow.
  8. catch rate allowed..... 75.8 passer rating when targeted.... 123.5 he might be "ballin'" but the ones who are really ballin' are the QBs and WRs he's facing. https://www.playerprofiler.com/nfl/cj-henderson/
  9. big question is the QB rating when he's targeted.
  10. Yeah, definitely don't piss around. Don't second guess yourself just keep swinging and hope you pull it off at some point.
  11. Every year there are QBs who people think are going to be sure-fire studs, but bust. Sure, some pan out, but many just flat bust. Every year there are QBs who few thinks will amount to much, but who end up being really good, sometimes elite. Matt Corral might fall into the second category....but he also might not. A guy we draft next year might fall into the first category, or he might be a stud. Contrary to how brilliant any of you think you are, contrary to how brilliant any draft in thinks they are, and contrary to how brilliant a GM or HC might be considered...no one really knows until the damn games are played. It's all a crapshoot. But it's a crapshoot you've got to get in if you want to win the bigger game. So what do you do? How do you win a crapshoot? You keep shooting until you win it. You don't stop. You don't settle. You keep shooting until you win what you're wanting to win. Do we go with Corral or do we try again in '23 or do we try in '24? The answer to all of them is yes. We give it a go with Corral, but we also draft best QB available (or who we hope is) next year in case Corral isn't it, and if it doesn't look like either guy is it next year, we try for the best choice in '24. Point is, we HAVE to hit it with the right QB and to find him, we have to keep trying to find him until we do. There is no other way.
  12. that's all fine, and i'm a corrall fan...but he shouldn't be the reason we don't draft a QB in the first. it all depends on what the new coach wants
  13. I think you're grasping at straws to make a point.
  14. Is that what he was doing to get injured?
  15. This injury had nothing to do with being run into the ground.
  16. Lol so I just get in from being out with my family most the day but I was set up to record the game and thought I would go ahead and watch it. In that first drive I just happened to check my fantasy league and see that the score was 42 -7 in the third....don't think I want to watch. I didn't expect us to win, but I thought we might have been competitive. Get this season over.
  17. I have never bought into that unless you get the BPA from a list of needs. I know that probably means that we wouldn't have gotten Luke because we had Beason, but we lucked out in that one. We need a QB, a DE, and a TE desperately. The good thing is there are several good options available for those in this draft. Pick one of them.
  18. At the very least PJ gives us a bit of a cushion at QB while we draft one and get him ready. At best he's Jake Delhomme and a solid starter for a few years while we get a future franchise QB ready, whether that's a guy we draft in the next year or two or Matt Corral. I do wish we could answer QB and DE this year. I wish we could get our QB and Will Anderson or even Myles Murphy. That would be ideal. If we wound up doing that and picked up a good TE in the draft, we could call the draft a success. I wouldn't be opposed to bundling most of our picks this year and getting those three taken care of in the first two rounds.
  19. No, not the best. One of the top 5? Maybe, but not the best. Would he help here? Sure. Should we draft a WR in the first coue rounds.... probably not. QB, DE, TE, ILB... these should all be addressed before WR. I would even rather adding depth to the OL and DL ahead of WR.
  20. maybe. i just don't know what kind of impact they have on the players, but maybe what they bring as a guru will compensate for anything they lack as a "leader of men" compared to Wilks. whoever it is, though...i don't want a 7 year contract offered to them. 5 years max. 3 years ideal.
  21. If he brings the Vols back into it and they win, he is.
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