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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. Ladies and gentlemen....what we have right here is the pointy elbows guy.
  2. Excellent perspective. We both got what we wanted/needed out if the deal . That's the way all deals should be
  3. You might have intended for it to be, but nothing I said wasn't true. Those few of you who have been doubting Young the whole time will likely continue to do it and just like y'all have been doing you'll ignore the good things he's doing and key in on the very few mistakes and point to those as proof it was a bad decision. I've been around long enough to know how it works, the tendencies people have. You don't think it's a fair assessment of you, prove me wrong. Prove you have more to say about him than negative poo and "concerns". Or don't.
  4. I took enough of a beating working in a chicken house. Had to med with cranky cows a few times too. don't want to do that again. Btw, don't ever punch one in the side of the head. Just don't.
  5. And btw.....I would absolutely do the trade again and twice on Tuesday. We swung for the fences and I fully believe we knocked it out of the park. Prove me wrong.
  6. Only a few of you will overreact like that. I mean y'all have been doing it since the beginning. Why would that change? The rest know that he'll have some down moments, but the good ones will far outweigh the bad. We know he won't be perfect, but you know what? We happen to be excited anyways. All I can say is it would suck to be on the side of the fence that isn't excited and is all glum about it.
  7. They said he's going to be getting the most reps and he has and no one is talking about him being anything but the starter. Players and coaches have been pretty open about it. He's the guy. They haven't danced around it in the last 2 weeks and even then no one was buying it
  8. What messages about the QBs is causing you concern? Everything has been good so far. I've said it before...there's no one that scares me in this division or on our schedule this year. Everything is lining up for a good successful season.
  9. i 100% believe we're getting ready to experience that again. i haven't felt this good or this confident about the team since Cam got here.
  10. wasn't but about a couple weeks ago that Bryce had some really good practices and was doing some really impressive things, but two jokers with a podcast (and who doesn't have a podcast these days?) mention that since bryce had two underthrown balls...he wasn't doing very well. of course the people who never liked the pick (you know who you are) started shaking their head "guys...we've got a problem. I hope he can get this stuff cleaned up before the season starts!" and then about a week later there's a video of him having one ball batted down (the ONLY one he's had batted down, mind you) and then comes in those same guys come in going "guys...we've got a problem. he's too short! we told you this was going to happen! that's what we've got to look forward to..." bryce has had an incredibly impressive bunch of practices so far. sure..there's been a couple minor instances where things didn't go quite right, but remember this. 1) he's a rookie. these are his first several weeks of practices at the pro level EVER. i don't care where you draft him (ahem, mr. "for what we gave up to draft him he'd BETTER come in playing at an all-pro level") there is going to be things to improve on. 2) he's had very few issues or things to report on that didn't go as well as they could have. considering HE'S A ROOKIE there could always be a lot more 3) through practices and coaching, the good things that he does will only get better and the mistakes he makes will lessen and improvements will be made. if the guy has any kind of work ethic (never been talked about as an issue with Bryce, in fact his dedication has been seen as far and above most at any level) and he has the capacity to learn (something that has been talked about as another great strength of his)...you can count on him only getting better from anything we've seen so far and will see throughout the offseason and during the season. We'll see some incredible things...and we'll see some mistakes. but what we will also see is him getting better and better in all facets as time goes on. and yeah, i know this is a thread about levis. i'm sure he'll get better as well...but i just don't see him as being anything special. if he's on some good teams, he'll do pretty well. if he's on not so great teams, he's going to struggle. he's not going to be a guy that can carry his team, but he'll be ok.
  11. So why the hell do we need a QB that can throw the ball 70 yards when it's not done by anyone in games? Cannon for an arm is such an overrated trait. I'll take ball placement and touch over that poo any day. So much more important.
  12. This. Key....he puts the ball wherever he wants to. He puts the ball wherever he wants to, and he KNOWS the right place to put the ball. He puts the ball where it needs to be and He KNOWS when to put it there. And his receivers have always known to trust him that he will get the ball to them at the right time and at be the right spot and they know to look to him because he KNOWS how to direct them there. He fugging did this in college with a group of receivers that weren't great college players. He'll have a better group of receivers here than he had there so I don't know why anyone would expect him to do less with more. He'll manipulate coverages and he'll lead his receivers to the ball. Seriously, I can't wait to watch this. Everyone should be excited about this. So he doesn't have a cannon for an arm....he doesn't need one.
  13. we don't stand a chance against $$$$$. send letters, emails, tweets, call them, whatever...they don't look at that stuff. they hire people to "take care" of it so they don't have to. both parties have one goal...load up on cash and stuff the election war chests.
  14. i saw the first season a couple years back never watched the second one.
  15. Decision to stay was made easy when he realized there were very few FAs getting big money.
  16. i can't wait for actual football discussion and interviews with him other than "how do you feel about being drafted #1?", "what's it like having such an awesome coaching staff?" "what's it like being short?" he's pretty much asked the same thing in every interview and there's only so many ways you can answer all that.
  17. Use those public funds to actually help those in need rather than stuff cash into the pockets of CEOs and hope they find a way to somehow benefit the people below them. cut out the middleman. and complaining to congress people...within a short amount of time of getting into office, they are all groomed to start calling donors. they are essentially telemarketers going around asking for donations. that's what leadership of both parties do to incoming freshman...they enforce the practice of spending hours a day fundraising. the very rich know this and they know they can get what they want because people at every level of government sit around their table with their mouths wide open saying "please feed me, sir!" and regular citizens are groomed to tell each other that we are lucky to have such billionaires because without them we'd all be starving and directionless. we need them for society to function so we give them whatever they want when they want. more than that, they teach being grateful to the billionaire gods.
  18. the country worships and serves the rich and grovels for crumbs from the table....and we should be grateful when some of the crumbs trickle down to us. but if they don't...serves us right for not being as awesome and rich as the billionaire gods.
  19. could be, but whoever that was...it definitely isn't a good look. he looks like he should be playing for the bucs. and by that i mean i hope he gets cut then finds a job on the bucs as a starter.
  20. they're just trying to make themselves feel better.
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