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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. I look forward to watching him for the first few weeks of the season.
  2. I think we're significantly better, mainly due to an upgrade at QB and a huge upgrade in the coaching staff. People look at this team and focus 9n the fact that we picked first overall, but we bought that spot. We didn't earn it. And once the team was handed to an at the very least competent coach, we were quite a bit better with no upgrade in QB. I think had Wilks been given the gig much earlier, we would have been a 9+ win team. That's my belief. Luck or not, we would have pulled it off. And i think we're going to be much better with this staff and QB. And yeah, Young might struggle, but I don't think his struggle will be as significant as most rookie QBs. Mentally he's ahead of the game and mentally is the is the area that they have the most challenge with.
  3. 15 years ago I had no problem at all with it. I was out there nearly every day for a couple years. Now it's ...
  4. I want to go but then there's this.... I just can't handle the heat/humidity like I used to.
  5. not at all. he's got one of the best QB minds the league has seen in years coming out of the gate with a high capacity for learning, grasping, and retaining all that they throw at him. that's the opinion of quite a few who have come to know him and coach him and that's the opinion that this coaching staff...this very QB centric coaching staff has come to understand about him. it's what his teammates are thinking about him. this coaching staff knows what it's doing and they knew what they were getting when they drafted him.
  6. when i was in high school i had a couple friends that lived up in purlear. it felt like it took forever to get to their house. there is seriously nothing out there.
  7. i had a roommate in college that slept with his shirt off but kept his pants on from the day and change was always falling out of his pockets and sticking to his back so when he was asleep (which was usually a an hour or two before i went into bed) i'd walk in and see him laying on his side and a bunch of coins stuck. i was hanging out in the dorm lobby and someone asked me if i had any change for the drink machine and i said no, but if you go into my room you can just peel what you need off Robby's back. he thought i was joking but he went in there and got what he needed for the machine.
  8. Kasay did not lose the game. The game was stolen from us by that cheater bill. Kaday is a legend and deserves a place of honor here. He was the true elder of the team and had the respect of everyone on it, and if they respected him, who am I to say differently? Of all the things i've seen him do, the thing that impressed me the most was when Smitty sucker punched Lucas. Smith was out of control in that moment. Beason was the one who stepped in and had the guts to pull smith off Lucas so he deserves props too. But when it was over, 89 knew he had fugged up royally. You could see it on his face. He went and sought out the elder statesman of the team, Kasay and Kasay turned into Smith's big brother and accountability partner at the same time. That's what I think of when I think of Kasay. He was the guy you needed to have on your team/tribe when you fugged up avd you know it and needed reassurance that you'll get better from this rather than shamed and condemned. And he was an incredibly reliable kicker too over the decades. You aren't and shouldn't be defined by one instance where things go wrong. You are and should be defined by who you are and what you do when things fall apart for yourself or someone near you.
  9. We still talking about this? Only real point to talk about is the pats cheated.
  10. I had one at 37 and my last one at 44. I got snipped after that. Back on target I can't wait to see Bryce on the field. I'm hoping I can manage to make it for training camp this year. It's been a long time since I was this excited about panther football. Everything I see about Young just gets me even more excited.
  11. @mrcompletely11 and @CamWhoaaCam Y'all need to quit carrying this stupid pissing match into every fugging thread. Seriously stop it or I'll give you both the boot and I won't think twice about it. I don't care who the bigger asshat is, you both keep it going and you both need to stop. I'm getting reports from other posters about it so it's not just me that is overly annoyed at you two. The next time I see it from either one of you, you're gone.
  12. Anyone who isn't on board yet....
  13. this. we were so badly managed at that point it was nearly comical. But fox was a horrible coach for developing talent and had no interest in developing a QB ever. and hurney was doing coke. honestly he should never have been a GM anyways, always only looking for the good story rather than identifying real talent. it was an incredibly poor situation and climate for edwards to be drafted in. i have no doubt that if he entered the draft in the last few years that he would have been sought after early in the draft. he would have been one of the many QBs who have benefitted from Cam's impact in the league. lack of ideal height was one issue for sure, but he may have also suffered from the "running QB" stigma. He killed it on passing yards in college, but he also tore it up as a rusher and that might have been something that teams at that point just weren't comfortable with.
  14. Yeah, the two big problems with that ranking, the Jets themselves and Rodgers. I expect it to be the amount of hype the cowboys typically get with the same results.
  15. If you've got a clutch intelligent playmaker QB, he turns the WRs into big play WRs. It's all about opportunity and a QB like Bryce sees and takes advantage of opportunities in clutch situations.
  16. I like all of it... except the jets placement. I'm just not a believer. Weird seeing teams like the phins and jags up so high, but the league is churning.
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