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  1. i think we are on the ground floor working up. i'm not worried about the direction we're going. we'll get QB figured out. every other part is getting built with younger pieces. not much established here. we're establishing the foundation. there's other clubs, though, that i think should be worried because they are in the process of hitting bottom for one reason or a dozen others. these are clubs i think that are in worse shape. they might have more talent, but they aren't going anywhere and they won't without an overhaul somewhere. cowboys, jets, saints, browns, titans, giants, jaguars...lots of reason to feel hopeless for fans of those teams.
  2. he's probably a guy who tries really hard to be that big presence in the locker room and on the sidelines, but just can't be counted on to produce. he probably makes them want to believe. hopefully we're good moving on. i know i am.
  3. trust the money man. he's the best chance we've got in a situation like that. not even close.
  4. He's got the tools. He's got the size. He did pretty well his rookie year. Something went wrong somewhere. Was it him? Was it the organization? Was it the coaching staff? Would it be worth the cheap look? Wouldn't hurt. Then there's that neck. Not sure I could deal with that long term.
  5. i don't like it, but this is better than going to the coaches and players and saying..."hey, for the good of the team, take the foot off the gas." i want nothing to do with that. i doubt any players or coaches would and for good reason.
  6. So you do this at 1-11, but not at 0-3? That's the threshold?
  7. question i keep asking everyone...do you tell the players to just not try so hard? Do you tell the coaching staff to throw games by calling bad plays or keeping good players off the field? how do you accomplish this?
  8. what makes you think that? he's only missed 2 out of 13 attempts from 50+ in 4 years. he hasn't kicked more from that range only because we haven't asked him to. he's got good range. the long one he kicked this year he made it look easy.
  9. we stumbled onto something good with him, that's for sure.
  10. zac's contract is going to make that difficult, but it just seems like too perfect a fit.
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