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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. He wont make it the entire season one way or another. He cant read a D and is terrible at spotting blitzes. How many times is he gonna be a deer in headlights and get trucked?
  2. My heart sank when his name was called on draft night.
  3. He can see that in a class room but not on a football field.
  4. Except Young, he should of never been the starter at all and now year 2 he's a fuggin captain? For fugs sake.
  5. How'd you like that smile after his first pass of the season? You see enough yet?
  6. Big 180 from last week. lol Takes longer for some than others but everyone will eventually come around.
  7. Young is the reason we have no run game. We'd be better off going wildcat so we would at least have an extra blocker.
  8. Any team that wants to take any coaches, players or front office people…take them please anyone you want just take them.
  9. I had seen enough by week 3 last year. Has anyone honestly seen a #1 QB that had to be taken off the field for hail marys? That was a glaring red flag for Young and our front office. How can that even happen?
  10. And the geniuses in charge made him a fuggin captain. Am I being punked or something?
  11. I hope he chooses Dalton next week.
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