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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. Tepper that sneaky devil is tryin to get me to buy tickets...its working.
  2. as well as everyone on our team, coaches included
  3. What are these strange feelings? I love my team again?
  4. Oline looks good all of a sudden...what happened?
  5. WTF were they thinking? Dumb call by the cards.
  6. I feel worse for the fans for having to watch him play.
  7. There are believe it or not....I think they went into hiding though.
  8. watching all the the Darnold lovers do a 180 on their stance of the oline. Think they'll give Cam a pass like they did Sam? lol
  9. Its not every day that your favorite team signs your favorite player....I mean really fuggin rare! lol
  10. I agree our previous coaches were all much better than Rhule at finding franchise QBs.
  11. This staff is so bad it makes you long for Hurney/ Rivera....I cant believe I just typed that.
  12. I agree, but that pick he threw a couple weeks ago was one of the worst I've seen in 30 years of watching ball.
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