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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. do you ever get tired of defending rhule? lol
  2. They would beat us by double digits though.
  3. One of those options will be better for us long term.
  4. you obviously haven't seen mine.
  5. Nobody that knows what they are talking about thought the panther's d was "historic" at any point last year. lol
  6. Yes Rhule and Fitt need to be run out of town with pitchforks.
  7. Hurney is a clown, but Fitt is worse... a clown's assistant?
  8. Fitt makes me miss Hurney...that's how bad things have gotten.
  9. We were talking about it all offseason.
  10. I think the sooner rhule gets fired the better. Every day he is here our team gets worse and it might take a while to get rid of his stink so why wait.
  11. Deebo ate everyone's lunch on that one.
  12. The 9ers gonna destroy us next week. Fug
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