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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. Foreman's probably still running, might be to SC by now.
  2. fug brady and his old ass limp dick arm! I hope he plays for many more years. lol
  3. will be funny if they lose after a Panthers win, CMC would be like "what the hell"
  4. I guess I didn't need to do the usual heavy drinking this time...
  5. this game would be perfect to do a reenactment of every dirty hit Cam took in his career...for historical purpose only.
  6. brady's old as hell...maybe he'll break his hip today
  7. Hit him hard, who cares if we get penalized.
  8. There better be at least one roughing the passer call against us in this game. Honestly two or three would be nice.
  9. He's been told to lose. If he wins he'll probably be fired.
  10. Corral hasn't shown enough to start ahead of anyone. Rhule and Fitts didn't do him any favors though so who knows.
  11. 75% of the worst O in the league. I think whoever we replace him with wont make us worse than worst.
  12. A stack of picks to do whatever they want with.
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