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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. Anybody who has high expectations for next year must be a new panthers fan...or a slow learner.
  2. Also every time we really needed to win...we choked. The bucs game that knocked us out of the playoffs was one of the worst coached games I've ever seen. Then we win the following week once we were eliminated. lol
  3. If Bryce were 6'2, the Bears wouldn't be trading.
  4. Collusion? What? How can anyone possibly believe that a group of billionaire business men would be greedy and dishonest?
  5. We can pay a lot less for poor QB play than 15 mil. I don't really care about the money though, I care about winning. Win now and Darnold should never be used in the same sentence. lol
  6. Neither of those options are a good value.
  7. Yes, "right situation" is agent talk for huge contract.
  8. I doubt Carr will agree to a 2 year deal.
  9. Counting on the falcons or the panthers to win is a fools errand.
  10. He must get his hair did at the same place as Boozer.
  11. They will want more than the 9th pick for Fields.
  12. Oh we've realized it over and over again. It's amazing this team still has fans. Maybe someday this franchise will get its head out of its ass...maybe
  13. Rhule had full control so he gets credit for everything that happened (good or bad) while he was here. Fitts gets credit for everything that happened after Rhule got the boot.
  14. I wouldn't give up our future firsts. Those are almost always top 10 picks.
  15. He looked like he retired during that Cowboys game. lol
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