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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. Canales would deserve coach of the year if he can get 5 wins with Young at QB.
  2. TMJ could become the best WR in the NFL. No one really knows till we see him under the new regime. lol
  3. This division is such trash, any team that finishes with less than 8 wins needs a new QB and coach.
  4. Notice those WRs you mention had quality QBs throwing them the ball.
  5. The fact that anyone has to argue about who is better is a problem. Hopefully this season Young will leave no doubt that he is better than a washed up vet.
  6. I would add the Colts game to that list too, Young threw 3 picks in that game 2 were pick sixes.
  7. Yeah like throw a terrible pick on the first play of the game bad...true story.
  8. The Bears sure are glad we started Young all year. Dalton and his family are probably glad too.
  9. We get better unfortunately.
  10. Atlanta was at least smart enough to draft a QB that's over 6' tall.
  11. If we didn't draft Young and had kept DJ, we probably wouldn't have ended up with the #1 pick though. Probably pick somewhere in the 6 to 10 range.
  12. I hope it's Derrick Brown that destroys his "confidence".
  13. That move makes no sense but it will be totally forgotten if Penix becomes a great player.
  14. Those same fools keep saying all our drafts are awful...shows how much they know.
  15. Or at least recover to our 2-15 former glory. lol
  16. Yes we will fully recover and be just as good as we were last year!
  17. That's how we always get our guy, you know they will be there in the 4th if the have 7th round grade.
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