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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. He's 5'10" but he plays like he's 5'5". If he balls out no one will care about his height.
  2. How often does a historically bad team start the same QB for multiple seasons?
  3. We aren't going to bring in any QB that could threaten to beat Young in a competition...so that eliminates pretty much everyone.
  4. Yes, Burns was in an impossible situation. To be a pass rush specialist and always playing from behind is a recipe for a terrible season.
  5. meanwhile we need a d that keeps teams to under 13 points for us to have a chance. lol
  6. Being as we were the worst team in the NFL last year, I would hope we wont be worse.
  7. If a team is trying to trade for our pick maybe we should find out who they want and just take that player. We have the worst roster in the NFL so pretty much every team has better decision makers than us.
  8. Tell her you'll renew if they give you a full refund for anything less than 8 wins per season.
  9. Falcons would have to win one first.
  10. Sounds like they should both lose a 1st round pick to me!
  11. Best trade this team's made in a long time.
  12. I think she just wanted his happy meal. She looked pretty hungry.
  13. Yep, I would drop passes, or not block anyone for a lot cheaper than what they're payin.
  14. Bring your kid to work day.
  15. One of the only good things about having a sh*t roster is that you wont miss any player. You could assemble a roster of senior citizens and be the worst team in the NFL.
  16. The falcons and that d bag deserve each other. lol
  17. He also looks foolish if it appears his wife is making our picks. I don't care who makes the decisions as long as they are the right ones to be honest. It is convenient that "the guy that just got fired" seems to take all the blame though. Over and over again yet the team still sucks.
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