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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. If Canales doesn't bench Young soon it will be pretty clear he isn't really trying to win.
  2. I cant wait until the Young era is over. Good god, its unwatchable.
  3. Bench that clown now. Laughing after throwing a pick first play of the season? Put Dalton in.
  4. That's the kind of td throw I want to see Young make.
  5. Young and Plummer ballin? What the absolute fug is goin on!
  6. No, I've seen enough losing to last me a lifetime. Its not like we'll capitalize on our draft position anyways.
  7. Going into a season without a starting level QB on the roster is enough controversy I guess.
  8. Morgan brought in Plummer so you know he has an eye for talent at the QB position at least.
  9. He’s been doing demolition since he bought the team.
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