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Old Depot

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Posts posted by Old Depot

  1. 1 hour ago, GamecockSmitty4 said:

    Now the report is that we are targeting Tidjane Salaun. Woof. 

    Swinging for the fences... a good way to strike out. lol 

    • Flames 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Shocker said:

    Would anyone have an idea of who the Hornets might be targeting at #3?  I keep hearing they are trying to trade up.

    Reed sheppard is the target for the trade up from what I understand.

    • Flames 1
  3. Ill worry about us losing in the finals once we get there. However I totally agree about the concern.

    Personally I think asking your superstar player to defend is important for any winning team, and that starts with Lamelo. Knecht or no knecht, Lamelo needs to step up on that side of the ball.

    • Beer 1
  4. I'll take Knecht - i'm completely out on Castle, 5th in points and  5th rebounds on his Uconn starting 5 and 2nd in turnovers.

    Knecht has an NBA frame and an NBA skillset - you can find rangy hustle defenders at any point in the draft/UDFA. Very few players come into the league scoring at all 3 levels like knecht. I also like his ability to finish at the rim/elevate.

    But yeah... on ball defense is awful.

    • Pie 5
  5. On 6/13/2024 at 9:51 AM, hepcat said:

    Is right now the worst time in the history of Charlotte pro sports?

    The Hornets (formerly Bobcats) have been a dumpster fire since rejoining the NBA 20 years ago. The Panthers were a respectable but frustrating team before David Tepper bought the team, but now they are easily the worst team in the NFL.

    Charlotte only has 2 sports teams so it's unfair to compare to every other city in the country with a Big 4 pro sports team, because when you have all 4 of even 3, you tend to have one franchise that ends up being successful. If we're taking into account the Hurricanes and ranking NC's pro sports teams as a whole, the Hurricanes make everything look better in NC pro sports.

    But just taking into account cities with an NFL and NBA team, and excluding their respective NHL and MLB teams, in the last 5 years, Charlotte easily takes the crown for the worst city for pro sports. The only other city coming close is Detroit since the Pistons have been awful, but the Lions were in the NFC Championship last year and should probably have made it to the Superbowl if it weren't for some questionable coaching decisions. Indianapolis could be mentioned because the Colts and Pacers have had a somewhat rough go the last 5 years, but both the Colts and Pacers have had more recent success than either the Panthers or Hornets.

    Sadly enough I think the Panthers have a better shot at success than the Hornets since the NBA is structured more towards star player driven success and the NFL is a team driven sport where there is more parity year to year. But I'm fairly confident this level of misery will continue for some time. 

    Awesome thread, some of these takes are so bad it forced me to make an account. Is this the worst time in charlottes sports history? yes, competitively we suck. But the hornets moving to NOLA is above this on the list, Rae Carruth, Jerry's scandal, etc. all trump this period in my book. 

    For the Raleigh support group, i love you guys but you don't even qualify for OP's conditions. OP is only referring to city's with an NFL team and an NBA team, and it's a short short list. I could be wrong, but I have 13 cities. Dallas, DC, Boston, New York, Charlotte, Phoenix, Atlanta, Denver, Minneapolis, Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago, and LA. If we want to be technical, the Patriots play 90 minutes from Boston, the Cowboys play in the equivalent of Concord to us, and both of New York's teams play in a different state. The name on the jersey is just branding, not actual location. That leaves 10 cities, that meet the requirements. 

    Charlotte can be the worst of these 10 sports cities.... but we all know Philadelphia is a poo hole.  🙂

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