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Everything posted by FugginPoo

  1. Imagine where he’d be had he not had bad coaches until now
  2. This team is a Jake delhomme away from the playoffs
  3. 9ers aren’t that good bumpy then NFC
  4. Left tackle is moving early on nearly every play
  5. Maybe like our running game, baker or Darnold are better without Rhule
  6. If we had fired Rhule/Snow last year this would be a defense and OL led playoff team, especially given NFC South
  7. This would be a winning record playoff team had Rhule/Snow been gone a year ago. We have the defense and OL to beat anybody
  8. I take 2 first and a 3rd for burns in a Reddick
  9. We can tag burns while we get the coach and QB figured out and potentially turn things around quick.
  10. Tanking is why the NFL needs a draft lottery for like the bottom 5 or so teams
  11. And if I were panthers I’d say: “it’s not personal, it’s business”
  12. Surprising the Eagles didn’t out bid, again shows CMC not as valuable as you think. They could’ve given the first from Saints which would’ve been better
  13. Kyler Murray listed at 5’10” and 194lbs
  14. Can he beef up to Kyler Murray size? 195lbs?
  15. At rate the NFL is headed it will soon be flag football rules with the QB so he may be the guy
  16. Why does that matter for a football stadium
  17. Losing Shaq highlights need for good draft picks as we will need to find his replacement soon and ideally in the draft 1st or 2nd round. Should’ve traded him and got Parsons over horn last year
  18. Hopefully both teams agree they are lock for suoerbowl with CMC and a nice bidding war is shaping up
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