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Everything posted by FugginPoo

  1. I think the most prudent path to becoming a playoff team soon is to sign Jimmy G and add a solid TE. Any QB we draft is going to by a wildcard and likely take years to develop. We have a young and solid OL and run game in place with a stout defense. All you need with that is a solid NFL WB who can game manage, similar to the Delhomme years. Jimmy G has the same record as a starting QB in SF as Steve Young had thru 59 starts….he’s good enough
  2. LA makes sense, young franchise QB plus atleast his daughter lives there also and played part in his movie getting made.
  3. Who the fug is spamming the Obama pictures in ads
  4. PSA to Nebraska: Stay away from Rhule
  5. Allen is more likely to get hurt like Cam and end his career early
  6. NFL defenses will figure him out, he has to learn to pass
  7. SISgrass is likely the end game here, what all the major soccer leagues are switching to as well as Green Bay https://www.sispitches.com/products/hybrid-pitch-sisgrass/
  8. We should switch to SIS turf
  9. Not sure we should judge Darnold and baker by their Rhule led days
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