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  • Birthday May 29

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  1. https://atlanta.urbanize.city/post/cam-newton-elliott-street-pub-downtown-bar-property-buyer-nfl-quarterback Cool that he's investing in the area.
  2. Crazy that there's 55 pages of arguments on this. Panthers gave up a 5th and a very below-market salary for a guy who has had two QBR ratings above 50 (average starter), one above 60 (very good), and one of ~35 (quite poor, but he was playing hurt). It's only a 'bad' trade if you think he takes the Panthers into NFL purgatory (not good enough to make the playoffs, not bad enough to draft his replacement). But from a pure W/L perspective, it's a boon.
  3. Double digit % of Browns fans will be rooting for Panthers week 1. That's wild.
  4. Darnold has negative trade value at this point.
  5. It's Baker or Famous Jameis. Their career stats aren't too dissimilar.
  6. Excellent signing for the Panthers. Middle-of-the-road QB (when healthy) = easily the second best QB in the division.
  7. Borat


    That’s the key point everyone’s missing. Deebo is uber-valuable only when he plays the jack-of-all-trades role, but he wants 1) to quit playing it yet 2) be paid based on his output in it.
  8. Atlanta fan – I attended the game. Actually entered the Benz with with CFC fans, who were out in surprising force and lively throughout (drums, banners, chants, etc.). Kahlina put in a MOTM performance – fantastic showing. Entire stadium was buzzing after a few of those saves. Fuchs is obviously (still) a classy player, but he doesn't have the pace to play out wide in the MLS anymore.
  9. I think this is the right play. Too much execution risk on Watson.
  10. I mean that sounds about right. Darnold and Cam (at this point) are probably above-average backups at this point.
  11. The top, maybe, but his sideburns are grey. Plus, he's got a big white patch on the lower left, which seems hard to miss if he were getting it colored.
  12. Who do you think is dyeing his hair? Olsen? McCaffrey and Kuechly are a bit young to be grey, and Kalil is grey on the sideburns and beard.
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