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Everything posted by philit99

  1. I agree. However, this love for an OC coach bothers me. There aren’t too many Shanahans around the league. I would rather go after a good defensive coordinator than a good Offensive coordinator, but the cupboard is a bit bear this time. I’ll be honest Harbaugh is the best Home Run hire of a generation. Belichick would at least get us competitive. I really don’t love any of the coordinators this time. Johnson is ok, but not a home run. If we can’t get Harbaugh, Belichick, or Johnson we should just promote Evero
  2. I could live with Quinn, and Belichick. Anyone else and it is at least 3 years before we contend. I think we would contend in 2025 with Belichick or Harbaugh.
  3. Star Wars night, I’ll be there
  4. Harbaugh could get us to the Super Bowl with Andy Dalton behind center. Think about that.
  5. I have been hearing Vegas has the inside track, but who knows. Tepper you better get on the ball, this is as close as you will get to a cheat code, bring Harbaugh back to Carolina.
  6. He made Kaepernick look like Montana. Just like Shanahan, scheme has a lot to do with it. That’s why you have to have a strong run game to compete in the nfl. You can’t stay in pistol with bunch formations 90% of the time.
  7. He is without doubt my first, second, and third choice. Belichick would be fourth, followed by all others. Harbaugh would have us contending quicker than all others. He took SF to the Super Bowl with Kaepernick, let that sink in.
  8. And imagine if we bring Nikishin up in 25. That guy will be special.
  9. This could be closer to happening than most think. Whoever is the next coach, I hope they get 3 years. Time to stabilize that position.
  10. Harbaugh, 75% chance we have a winning season in year two. Belichick about 50% chance in year two. All other unknown coordinators around 20% or less chance for a winning season in year two. You guys pick.
  11. Actually a good portion of our issues this year started when Christensen went out. Christensen can play LT when he returns. However, we definitely need depth, and I’m not sure what to do with Ekwonu move him to LG?
  12. I hope it is the opposite. All these 30 something coordinators sound great, but are unknown, not necessarily established, and don’t necessarily know how to manage a team, ex (situational football, half time adjustments, time management). A new coordinator head coach will need some time to adjust to those things, plus proper game planning for all teams. At this stage, with tickets sales, team morale being at an all time low, it would be a mistake to hire anyone that is not established, with prior HC experience. I’m thinking Harbaugh, Belichick, O’Brien, etc. Otherwise, it is another gamble that has about a 20% chance of success, and watch those PSL number continue to plummet. It’s about money folks, winning cures all ailments.
  13. I’ll be there, here’s hoping we score 7 or more.
  14. Amen. Really bad decision, automatic L tomorrow.
  15. Why f&@k around with unknowns and candidates with no head coaching experience. If we are serious, we bring in Harbaugh. It is the only sure fire hire. Sure it will blow up in 4 years, but guaranteed we would be contenders before that point. Anyone else we hire will be a crapshoot. I’m sort of tired of crapshoots.
  16. Peace is the bigger issue. He has been borderline terrible this year. TDA could play better defense than he has at times. We will be trading a defenseman sometime this season, so I imagine he knows that and that has something to do with his lackluster play.
  17. Svech has mauled some dudes on the boards, wow. Really impressed with his game today, flashes of last season before the injury. I have seen the boards sway 3 or 4 times so far this game.
  18. I didn’t realize, so many people personally know Mr. Tepper. So many people with the same opinions, it must be true.
  19. Yeah I get the generational thing, but my god man Linda Carter has her beat by miles. Almost a perfect 10.
  20. Laugh, but we could do worse. Excuse me, we will probably do worse.
  21. It might not be popular, but what about Samsonov? Didn’t he sign a one year deal with Toronto? Maybe he could be had, lord knows he gave us fits as a capital. However, he is in a slump as well. One teams trash……..
  22. Keep you eyes on Necas, have a feeling he could be on the move, along with Pesce or Tony D.
  23. I wouldn’t put money on that, you may be surprised.
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