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Everything posted by philit99

  1. It’s one game. This one isn’t over yet, but we need to make adjustments. Have to win one in NY
  2. Remember Fast is out tonight, who takes his place?
  3. I wonder if Lemieux needs to be in tonight? I have a feeling the goons will be out tonight.
  4. No, they are just so physical. They will wear down, then our speed will take over.
  5. 50% discount on the jerseys! Just got me a new Chatfield (bastard better resign), for 210! It’s the authentic red!
  6. Pesce spends a lot of time lying on the ice, every game
  7. They took their time deciding on it. To much visual evidence, I know Toronto hated to call that in
  8. My feeling is Guentzel will try to resign back in Pittsburgh. Just a feeling.
  9. Some days just don’t go your way. Glad this is happening before the playoffs start.
  10. Chatfield is who we must resign.
  11. I guess so all shots are with little to no net front.
  12. This is his first year back on a pretty serious injury. I don’t question his drive or desire, but it may take him more time to trust his body again. I had that injury plus some, and it takes about 2 years to forget the injury. He will be fine.
  13. I hate the Capitals, I hate them more than Boston or Florida.
  14. Well, I have seen Jarvis skimp one knee at a time to get off the ice, and we still got to many men on the ice penalty. Pesce went down almost net front, making it incredibly difficult to defend. Also, you can’t rely on the refs for anything in that game, they were slashing almost everyone and getting away with it.
  15. Yeah Brett Pesce laying down for 30 seconds when the Caps scored their last goal, might be the cherry on top. I have been down on Brett this entire year, but that was ridiculous, if your injured get off the ice, laying down gave the opposition an advantage. I don’t care if we replace Pesce with Tony from here on out, we should bench Pesce and call up Coughlin.
  16. Unbelievably terrible officiating. 12 minutes of penalties and 2 waved goals.
  17. Refs won’t allow you to get out of the box. Worst calls I have seen this year
  18. No quit in this team. Some real BS calls against us.
  19. Refs are atrocious. I seen at least 3 fouls not called.
  20. Man the flyers are swarming, hope they run out of gas
  21. Svech may not be scoring, and he seems to lose the puck with impunity, but he slams mofos on the boards. We need his physicality for the playoffs. I’m sure his game will turn around, but we need some big boys, laying the lumber come real deal time, and I don’t want Jake hitting too many defencemen, if you know what I mean.
  22. Wow Jarvis almost a Hattie with that move
  23. They didn’t even spell check their article. Where is atalanta?
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