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About philit99

  • Birthday 09/24/1976

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  1. Man if he had a pass rush!!!! The secondary is well, very well.
  2. That may be one of the worst calls I have ever seen. I had to turn the channel.
  3. Run the fugging ball. It is so aggravating watching this poo
  4. That should have been two drives ago. To late now, momentum has swung to their favor.
  5. Just can’t seem to get some offensive time. We look out of sorts. I’m positive the final will not be 2-1, good or bad
  6. The world wonders what type of BBQ is the best. Welcome to North Carolina where there are 3 main types of BBQ and most North Carolinians can’t even agree which is better. Myself? I’ll take Lexington style for 1000, Alex.
  7. Bad period almost no offensive time and several no icing calls. This doesn’t look good
  8. Svech is really struggling offensively. I hope he turns it around soon.
  9. Now I remember why I stopped watching the NBA. The refs don’t even try to make it look fair. Horrible TV, ill find something else to watch.
  10. No fouls on one end. Turnovers, hard to watch. I changed the channel
  11. First time this season we looked slow. Could be elevation, could be how hard we played in the second period. The PPs actually worked against us. On to the next one
  12. On to the next one. Sometimes it happens this way.
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