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JT Cowboy

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  1. Much conversation has been made recently of 650 million dollar Charlotte public money needed to refurbish the privately owned Carolina Panther Football Stadium. Cities and their citizen money funding is responsible for government offices, police, fire, parks, recreation and civic needs only. Taxpayers should never have to fund private enterprises such as Professional Football, Baseball, Soccer, Racing and Basketball. Any owner who threatens to leave the area if his refurbishing needs are not met with public dollars should be given a one way bus ticket from the city to leave the area. The owners enterprise will gladly be sold for his profit and another owner will gladly purchase the enterprise for their profit. In this specific case of the Carolina Panthers, no Charlotte resident tax money should be entertained to fund the 650 million dollar project. The multi-billionaire owner of the Panthers can well afford to fund this project by himself. Otherwise Charlotte can provide him with a bus ticket.
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