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Candler Cat

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Posts posted by Candler Cat

  1. 2 hours ago, Anybodyhome said:

    Okay. Technically, yes. Building a new venue on the old footprint 4 times as wide as the existing structure and adding a sunshade roof that will cover all seating areas.

    I could tear down your entire house except for one bathroom and, technically, it's a reno.


    While we're just adding mag wheels and some extra body panels to our '95 Camaro RS

  2. 20 minutes ago, JawnyBlaze said:

    I’ve seen lots of speculation of a relocation threat with absolutely zero actual information.  I’ll believe it when I see it. And if they relocate, so be it. Will still be my team. I haven’t lived in NC in over 20 years 🤷‍♂️

    i find it irritating that it was put into this proposal, something that has never come up before in my knowledge is now out there

    even if CLT bites into this deal, in 15 years it's back on the table

    you can count on new stadium talk in ~10 years

  3. We sit on south side and use 1410 West Morehead, about .7 miles to the stadium, small lot and you can tailgate. Works well for us since we live west of CLT, can be on 85 in 2 miles


    Parkwhiz and parking panda and others sell spaces

  4. 3 hours ago, raleigh-panther said:

    Glad that site worked for you..or someone you know 

    I didn’t  get a single  hit on that site 

    the hits I got came from the one I listened

    the transfer fee for me was $300

    …that is all I paid and got rid of the psls, season tickets (full price) and  the parking pass…they handle all paperwork and interactions with the buyer and team

    i did ask my concierge , the day I was notified that they had sold, to move it along for me with Panthers Ops which she did

    to say I’m grateful and relieved is an understatement 

    I have no regrets…had great times there pre Tepper with my friends


    bought my current ones in 2019, sold two pairs a couple of years before that, so I haven't a clue on how the current market is other than it must be pretty weak

  5. 13 minutes ago, t96 said:

    Just such a sad state of affairs that it's difficult to get rid of season tickets... Not a local but if I was I'd have absolutely loved to have season tickets during some of the good years. If I moved there tomorrow I wouldn't even remotely consider PSLs now with what Tepper has done with the team. Would go to a game here or there for cheap resale tickets with low expectations, but certainly not shell out for a full season + PSL cost. Plenty of teams out there too where people would kill to have a chance for season tickets but the waitlists are so damn long.


    Curious, can you keep the PSL but turn down the tickets for a season? 

    no, gotta pay for them.

    all of mine are up on the exchange already, last year I did good enough that I paid less than $300 to renew this year (thanks Cowboys fans)

    would love to get out of mine, even if we had a decent team, have gotten tired of the traveling.

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  6. 16 hours ago, Waldo said:

    I can't sell mine for the $250 transfer fee and they have been listed more than a year. It's my last year anyways, I wouldn't sign an extension to keep trying to sale. I'm walking if I can't sell them. I won't be going to a game anyways this year. They don't resale for much and that wasn't something that made me happy unless it was a game or 2 a year. It's time for me to walk. The team can take it and resale it or whatever. I'm way past recouping anything and just ready to spend that money someplace my family would enjoy. 

    PSL source is a better site than the marketplace IMO, buyers don't get hit with that, just the 400 to the team to move the seats

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