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Candler Cat

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  1. That's a TD if he doesn't have to slow down
  2. Turn out the lights The party's over All good things must end
  3. Goff gets clobbered at the end, lol
  4. I don't believe they outright rig games, but they do tolerate the refs with a wink and a smile
  5. Two things can be true, the Texans didn't play well enough to win and the refs sucked at opportune times for the chiefs
  6. If you're not a cowboys fan it's great entertainment
  7. oh the song doesn't bother me, it was the combination with the flags and the feeling they were trying to establish some sort of football nostalgia with a franchise that was brand new it's been played at BoA a few times the last couple of years or so, and I've sung along (the best I can on old guy memory)
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