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Posts posted by JRaymond

  1. 9 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    This is the part I am talking about.  He does not REQUIRE both of his feet to leave the ground as per both the clips I have shown you.  Then you switched to focusing in on solely his hip rotation and weak arm etc...  His deep ball does not require both of his feet to leave the ground.  Your original claim is debunked with video evidence.  I'm sorry that you are having trouble handling or grasping that.  Back to his weak arm, mechanics, size etc.. have at it. 

    Here is the thread about QBs leaving their feet which I was referencing too earlier.


    And, what does that thread show exactly, that QBs' feet leave the turf when making off-platform shovel passes and off-platform throws while scrambling? Well, no poo Sherlock!

    I'll ask you again, and please be sentient just long enough for you to read and comprehend my original question: show me another NFL quarterback whose feet (both of them) leave the ground at the same time before hip rotation when throwing on-platform deep balls. 

  2. 26 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    It went from he has to jump to he has to bend his hips. That’s changing it. I showed you clips of him throwing deep without jumping which means he doesn’t always have to. I liked and like Stroud better so I’m not really a Bryce defender. Just think you don’t have to make up things when critiquing our QB like he has to jump to throw it deep. There is plenty of ammo there without those exaggerations. Oh yeah the “you don’t know ball” argument. Classic. 

    No, it went from me complaining about his terrible throwing technique to you defending him by saying that plenty of other QBs also have both of their feet off the ground when making on-platform throws. When I challenged you to show me examples, you couldn't, so you pivoted to showing a clip from his Bama days to prove that he doesn't do it on every throw.

    I didn't switch topic or pivot, because it was you who moved the goal post. I'd appreciate it if you could stop insulting my intelligence. So, can you give me some examples of other NFL QBs whose on-platform deep ball requires both of his feet to leave the ground at the same time before hip rotation?

    P.S. See what I mean when I say Bryce defenders are barely sentient?

  3. 6 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    So now the conversations pivots.  That's how it goes.

    Yes Stroud is the better passer.  Thanks for that groundbreaking info...

    How has the conversation pivoted? My contention has always been that Bryce is "one of the most physically limited, fundamentally flawed QBs ever" in the NFL, and that Bryce defenders have laughably low standards and are barely sentient. 

    You showed me a couple of Bryce's throws as if they are proof that he's not as bad as his critics make him out to be, my Stroud clip just proves that you don't know ball.

  4. 29 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    He doesn’t do it every time he throws a deep pass. It depends on where he is in the pocket, where the OL is, coverage etc…

    Here it is in the NFL if you want to cry this was college




    Good lawd, look at the amount of rotation required for a mere 40-yard pass. No wonder he needs a runway for any throw beyond 50 yards. 

    Can you think of any NFL quarterback today who has a weaker arm than Bryce?

    For reference, with a similar amount of hip rotation, Stroud slung the ball 69 yards.


  5. 21 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    Do we need to bring that thread up showing all of the NFL QBs leaving their feet during passes? If the form is right leading up the pass I’m ok with it. 

    Show me another NFL QB whose on-platform deep ball requires both of his feet to leave the ground at the same time before hip rotation

    Look at his legs, spread very far apart, including his thighs, with left leg at the front and right leg at the back. That's not a on-the-run throw. That's his patented hopping motion that comes with his deep ball which, due to his weak arm, requires him to launch is entire body into the throw, resulting in both of his feet leaving the turf from the forward momentum. 

    This is just exceptionally poor technique. 

  6. On 6/4/2024 at 11:40 PM, frankw said:



    He needs to stop doing that. He has to stop doing that. If he can't then he's got to be one of the most physically limited, fundamentally flawed QBs ever in the history of gridiron football. 

  7. On 6/3/2024 at 4:21 PM, Tbe said:

    He went to a far better situation. He should be happy.

    He didn't go into a far better situation. He was responsible for creating a far better situation for himself and his teammates. This is what a generational talent and high draft pick at QB is expected to do: to change the culture for the better and elevate those around him. Stroud has that dawg in him, which is something that doesn't show up on fancy tests or analytics. 

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  8. On 5/30/2024 at 10:54 PM, CPF4LIFE said:

    Yeah okay....here you go buddy. 2 minute mark. He was asked what he liked about Canales the MOST and he said the calming presence. Then he mentions the yelling coaching style in the game but Canales is more laid back and he teaches which he prefers. The point is, he said he liked that the most about him but bringing up the yelling when that has always been apart the game sounds like he doesn't like it too much even if it mentions its okay. This also isnt the first time he has mentioned loud noise bothering him. But the main thing is you said he never said it at all when he did.






    It looks like Charmin™ has found its next spokesperson...


  9. On 5/16/2024 at 2:55 PM, Lame Duck said:

    Fun fact… in first year of NFL Bryce Young QB rating was higher than P. Manning first year


    Here are more fun facts about Peyton Manning's rookie season: Peyton ranked 3rd in total passing yards, 5th in passing touchdowns, 4th in 1st-down completions, 11th in TD%, and 8th in completions that were 20 yards or more. 

    Now let's look at how Bryce compared to his peers: 20th in total passing yards, 28th in passing TDs, 21st in 1st-down completions, 31st in TD%, and 27th in completions that were 20 yards or more. 

    To put it mildly, Peyton showed plenty of flashes as a franchise quarterback. Bryce? Not so much, almost none at all, as a matter of fact.

    Oh, and Peyton is legit 6'4", literally head and shoulders above Bryce.

    I sometimes wonder if Bryce defenders are sentient at all.

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  10. 16 hours ago, WhoKnows said:

    Man, that one throwing angle where everyone got excited that he got beefed up seems like it was just a weird angle. Right at the start his right arm is very visible to the left of the kid and he does not look bulked up at all.

    He has often gotten compared to Brees and while QBs aren’t bulked up like other positions, Brees looks way bigger in the picture below than Young above. Damn miracle that our OL didn’t get him killed last year.



    It's not the angle. It's a laughably bad photoshopped photo, and so many Bryce boys thirsty for copium fell for it. Bryce hasn't bulked up at all. He still looks like an amateur golfer.

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  11. 8 hours ago, CPF4LIFE said:


    Talks about a situation during the panthers game where there was trash talk. Apparently Franklin shouted some things at him after a TD and his teammate responded to franklin and roasted his teeth. 

    I guess he did want that game pretty badly which they ended up losing but I always thought it was dumb to think he didn't take it to heart when we passed him up but a lot of people did for some reason



    Stroud has been hinting at it for a while.


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