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  1. I'd rather be 'soft' than delulu. The few Bryce defenders are all delulu. Don't give a F who Verge is. That article was a delulu puff piece written for goldfish.
  2. If Bryce had thrown the ball at the combine, I guarantee you he wouldn't have been 1A or 1B for any team.
  3. Make better pre-snap reads, process faster and better, have good footwork on every drop, and let the ball go on time, all these will go a long way toward avoiding sacks and remaining upright. The harsh truth is that he did have enough time to pass or throw the ball away, but he just ain't cut out for the NFL. Not gonna feel sorry for somebody who's being paid generational wealth.
  4. The number of college players with below-NFL-average physical measurables who never made it to the NFL must be well over a million by now.
  5. Montana was 6'2", so he could see over the line. Drew had much better arm talent than Bryce, and he's also significantly taller. I don't think you realize just how short and weak armed Bryce really is. Sadly, Bryce already plays above his measurements, because his measurements are of an average guy (of his age group) off the street. In other words, he's maxed out already.
  6. Two wrongs don't make it right. Don't blame the victim who gets cheated by a used car salesman. Let that midget lead the offense for one more year to get us some good picks and bench/trade his ass right after.
  7. Before and after. I guess the NFL ain't like taking the S2. Oh boy...
  8. 2.7 seconds is way too long. Last year, max pocket time by any team was 2.7 seconds, and only four teams were able to achieve that (Bears, Broncos, Ravens, and 49ers). The vast majority of teams gave their QBs 2.4 to 2.5 seconds to throw from the pocket. I wonder if this is Canale's way of admitting that Bryce has a looooooooooooong way to go. Babe steps, right? So much for the super processor.
  9. His arm is fine? Fine for what? The NFL or the Arena Football League?
  10. His listed height at Alabama was a real stretch, as are his fabled super processing, poise in the pocket, arm elasticity, ability to create and make off platform throws. Everything about him pre-draft is a stretch. His being a serviceable NFL quarterback is the biggest stretch of them all.
  11. Do I have to resort to writing a long preamble to every post in order to set the context? Bryce is itty bitty compared to the average NFL qb, who stands at 6'3". Was that so difficult to understand? And yes, he is a PUNK, because he put on a bunch of worthless water weight to tip the scale at 200 lb at the combine, not to mention he refused to throw. He deliberately misled us like a used car salesman. He is a punk ass punk. GTFO of the league!
  12. I think it's fair to say that members of the Huddle are considerably more knowledge about the game than your run-of-the-mill fans, so the Huddle consensus on Bryce being a bust is a (far) more informed opinion. To put it another way, if you had asked 10,000 Stone Age humans whether Earth is flat or spherical, the answer you'd get is likely the wrong one.
  13. This is going to be a soft ass team because we got a punk ass itty bitty soy boy with a noodle arm as our quarterback. Anything from zero to three wins is possible.
  14. Sure we can, but where are you gonna find a second CJ Stroud?
  15. Is Bryce wearing a pearl necklace around his neck? Where's his man purse? What's up with that stupid ass pencil thin strip of hair above his upper lip? He looks like an American Idol hopeful. What's next? Paint his toe nails panthers blue? The face of a clown ass poo show.
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