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  1. Eric Shelton definitely deserves to be in the conversation. He was drafted in the 2nd round and was meant to be the replacement of Stephen Davis. First year he immediately gets injured, misses the whole season. 2nd year he rushed for TWENTY THREE YARDS for the whole year. Cut the next year, never played again. And that's the story of Eric Shelton.
  2. Hi dbeat, sorry to bother you, I was checking your wallpaper thread and find this one 


    I wonder if you still have the original picture without the schedule? It seems the link you provided is invalid now. Just wanna ask, it would be fine if you didnt save it. Thanks.


  3. So if every person on earth submitted 490 unique schedules odds are 1 person would win. Ah screw it I'll do the thing.
  4. I feel like the odds of getting every week right is astronomical
  5. No, thank you for understanding! Only real fans would! Thanks man!

  6. whats up man? Hows NYC?

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