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Everything posted by ncstatekwi

  1. R E F S.....REFS REFS REFS.....nuff said SON!!!
  2. Maybe you should make our logo CAM NEWTON or DALLAS!
  3. We were competitive.....REFS + JERRY's WORLD greater than PANTHERS!!!
  4. Panthers should alteast start Deonte Brown and Christensen...OLINE can't get worse....
  5. Didn’t KC just sign….trade for a stud OLINE this past year?!?!
  6. He’s so much better than Teddy…we just need an OLINE…and special teams coach!!
  7. WFNZ talk about the dang REFS De Jesus….that was a large reason of coaches decision making
  8. Yeah that forward movement call....ughh....wish the NFL did not have announcers BALLS...b/c they would've called out the REFS way much more
  9. I will take it any Quarter of football...
  10. And...REFS blowing whistle based on forward movement...that was enough to get them the 7 pts they needed to win..
  11. I know right...but JERRY had those REFS in that pocket....insane on no calls on Dallas OLINE holding....which was BAD...
  12. At the end of the day our OLINE needs work....and coaching decision making, but I blame that on REFS wanting D to win
  13. RHULE should ROAST the REFS at the end of this game so he can get his first FINE...TEPPER can pay lol
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