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About Louie

  • Birthday 11/06/1971

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  1. That was the New Orleans Saints vs Carolina at home game. Ron called a time out and then they scored a FG. I think we lost the game by 3 points.
  2. Yep. Going to dial up some soft prevent defense to lose the game.
  3. We overcame a holding call and still made the TD! Nice!
  4. I have a Scag zero turn 48 inch. I can mow my acre in 30 minutes! Zero turn is where its at!
  5. Exactly! How many times has the perfect player been there, and the Panthers chose some nobody with great physical skills who ends up never playing much. Too many damn times!
  6. I feel bad for those kids! That guy deserved life in prison! Good job on this story!
  7. Atlanta is going to get a QB and win a super bowl.
  8. Joe Brady is now the OC in Buffalo and their offense is looking even better, since he took over. It's crazy how every single thing the Panthers try to do, always fails.
  9. Yes! Jags passing defense is 29th and total defense is 25th. If Bryce can play like he did in the 4th quarter last week, we win! That's a lot of if's though! Let's go Panthers!
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