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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Tillman must be trying to wear down Boston or something...probably offering him all kinds of stuff so he can have #33. He was signed before hte draft and has yet to select a number.
  2. Artis- Payne #34 maybe? I doubt it. He may choose from 48 or 32 is what I'm prediciting. JJ isn't giving up #44. EDIT: He picked #45
  3. Hmmm... Luke TD Glanton Klien Shaq Mayo Jacobs Reddick Trusnik Somethings gotta give.
  4. 49ers are going to 49....Punter in the 5th....could have got him in the 9th round if there was such a thing.
  5. Arthur Blank maybe a lot of things but good of him to immediately take care of his new 5th round pick Grady Jarrett after his house partially burned down.
  6. Dang...Cardinals with 5 picks so far...3 DEs
  7. Smelter? I hardly knew her.
  8. Jake Ryan will be a good player in the league. Nice pick by the Packers.
  9. Huddle flame incoming. Hardy off the board within our division.
  10. Funchess' nickname at Michigah was D-Funch. So I give you........... KB and D Funchy-Bunch You're welcome
  11. Yes...ONLY. Everybody was screaming "Wake up Gettleman!" "We need to trade up!" "Trade, trade,trade" We trade and now everyone is butt hurt. Did you think getting a pick at the top of the 2nd round was going to be cheap? Glad it was ONLY a 3rd and a 6th Meltdowns everywhere.
  12. WE SWAPPED 2ND ROUND PICKS...We only gave up a 3rd and 6th!!!!
  13. Not mad at the pick. But would've thought Fisher in the 2nd and maybe WR in the 3rd.
  14. This one is going to piss a lot of people off in here....ouch.
  15. Man up philw5298. Copenhagen snuff "Silver Top"
  16. Gettleman likes guys who can just flat out play football. Which many times overides "measurables". Shaq is a football player and I can see why we would have interest in him...not that we'll take him but I completely understand the interest.
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