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About FattyFatFat

  • Birthday 09/29/1976


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Um, panthers?

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  1. I’m at a loss for words. Absolutely disgusting
  2. No more drafting running backs before the 5th round. Instead, invest in your O-line and throw whatever scrub RB you can find and automatically becomes decent ala chuba Hubbard. No more JB for this year and next year. He’ll come back 2026.
  3. I hope he gets as much as he can from another team.
  4. Makes me feel better to imagine him selling insurance. I’m at the point now in my panther career that I just want to watch it all burn
  5. Doesn’t matter where we draft because we’re going to make the wrong pick or trade or whatever Dumbfug Dave decides to do. There is no hope for this franchise outside of Dave Tepper getting hit by a train. I don’t know what it’s actually going to take for me to completely cut ties with anything panther related but I can’t wait for that day when I’m not a fan of this team.
  6. Nobody’s trading for him. Maybe a conditional 7th but anyone who’s holding onto hope that there’s another team as dumb as we are is delusional. Bryce Young is worse than Jimmy Clausen and he’ll be selling insurance in 5 years. Maybe he can process those claims as well as he was supposed to process football. He’s a joke and so is this clown show called a professional football team. fug David Tepper and his stupid wife for what he’s done to this team.
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