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Peppers90 NC

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About Peppers90 NC

  • Birthday 09/11/1979

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  1. for funnsies lets make a list of all our 2nd round WR draft busts
  2. I agree its time to go, for his sake if he will ever amount to anything. His time is ticking but talented enough to contribute somewhere else.
  3. Im happy for Marshall, he gets a chance to do something somewhere now
  4. Hopefully the revamped line will at least give him a chance, plus the addition of Johnson
  5. he obviously still wears a mask, in his car, alone.
  6. We received a 2nd next year? I certainly missed that detail. That’s good to know at least.
  7. Keep 39 draft Brooks we would still have 142. We are the worst trading team. edit: I missed getting a 2nd next year!
  8. We gave up pick 144 or something like that to move down 13 spots lol
  9. details aren't important here, neither are basic facts
  10. Thats how it should have been done, but the scumbag owner doesn't have patience like that. He wanted an "offensive" coach, LOL what a joke yet our offense is very offensive. Remember, he got his wealth at the hands of millions of people suffering, losing their livelihood and going bankrupt. He doesn't care about the fans and never will, the fans are expendable.
  11. omg i cant believe they didnt try to work out a deal over the summer
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