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The Pieyed Piper

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About The Pieyed Piper

  • Birthday 04/20/1967

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  1. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/theodore-roosevelt-on-criticizing-the-president/ Colonel Roosevelt’s criticisms of the Administration were not widely popular. The Star never had any idea they would be popular, but it believed they were right and for the real good of the country. As he had foreseen when the connection was made, “Many of your subscribers will be perfectly furious at The Star for printing my editorials.” They were. They wrote to The Star to denounce the Colonel for writing the articles and The Star for printing them. In popular discussion in the Middle West forms of disapproval ranged from “He should stand by the President” to “He should be stood before a stone wall and shot.” It was comments like these, exacerbated by suggestions from elements within the Wilson administration that Roosevelt’s views ought somehow to be suppressed, that prompted him to craft this high-minded rebuttal:
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