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Everything posted by Dex

  1. damnit bronn help me pick out a dark epic adventure for adults.
  2. Also possibly novels like Metal Gear Solid not including Jack Ryan.
  3. Looking for a dark fantasy series. Think Game of Thrones meets Dark Souls. Anyone help me out?
  4. You don't buy it for the length of gameplay you buy it because of the incredible story/cutscenes and the replay value.
  5. Those voice commands on PS2! "SPECTER STEALTH TO BRAVO"
  6. Doesn't matter, jesus will save them.
  7. As long as Naughty Bear 4 was a PC exclusive it would be the GOAT.
  8. So you don't think the MGS series is quality? Please elaborate, this will be entertaining.
  9. So even though the Metal Gear Solid franchise is one of the best franchises of all time and only available on console(aside from the first and Revengence), you wouldn't play it purely out of hate of consoles? You're amazingly biased, it truly is remarkable how someone can boycott a system just because they think another is better. I bought a PS3 back in the day purely for MGS4 and the Uncharted series. I never was a big Sony guy but I did it for those games. I love my PC because I can play RPGs, DayZ, CS:S and Age of Empires 2. Every system has it's pros and cons. For instance although I've been a PC gamer for years I still am not a fan of M&K. It's uncomfortable, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the PC gaming experience. You are either overly sensitive or a PC fanboy crybaby. I vote both with a strong emphasis on the latter. We recognize the PC is superior bro but it doesn't mean we aren't allowed to like other things.
  10. Lol PSC has become the Alice of Nerdvana. GG.
  11. I'm a PC gamer and a console gamer. While I can never go back to playing games like Elder Scrolls on console because PC is ridiculously better. I have to admit, PC gamers are elitist douchebags who always steer the conversation towards Console vs PC. No one cares. Oh and H2 was a fantastic game for what is was and that was a multiplayer juggernaut on the Xbox. Not the PC, the fuging Xbox. The PC version sucked along with the campaign on both. I feel like Carp and PSC have skipped the troll stage and gone straight to full retard. Thanks for derailing a perfectly good thread you fuging morons. http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox/halo-2/critic-reviews
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