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Everything posted by Dex

  1. We would save between 40-50 million over 6 years for that deal.
  2. I had to dig through 3 old Youtube accounts to find my reaction of Cam being drafted. I wanted Patrick Peterson but was excited and happy we decided to pick Cam. Before midway through this season I've NEVER said a bad word about Cam. He is my franchise quarterback. I also resent what you're implying. You know what I mean. I have never EVER said I don't want Cam as my quarterback. (aside from a few tongue in cheek DA jokes) I want to keep him but 25 million a year is just not realistic. But go one and try to trash me. There are plenty of respectable Huddlers that I've known for years that will tell you I love Cam. We just need to draft well, have extra $ to sign free agents and things will fall into place. Cam will improve.
  3. how is 6 years 108 million 70 million guaranteed NOT a mega contract?
  4. I don't know what this Tiger dude has against me but I can tell it's personal. Because he spews some dumb poo.
  5. I love seeing Huddlers not drinking the coolaid and thinking objectively.
  6. what cracks me up is all of the people saying PAY HIM MORE THAN ALL THE QUARTERBACKS NOW! They're "worried" that he'll get all these weapons and have a record breaking season where we'll have to pay him a ridiculous contract next offseason. Which by the way makes no sense considering by their logic we would have already made him the highest paid before he proved he can be an elite QB. The Huddle cracks me up. Good thing we have a man with a head on his shoulders for a GM.
  7. DA won two games for us last year. Just saying. Cam went went 6-9-1 with the same offense. Cam is a very important piece to the offense and makes us better but he's not the end all be all. In no way should he get more than Luck. 18-19 a year and most of it guaranteed. Keep the cap hits low and spread out the guaranteed $$$.
  8. I'm not asking Cam to take 10 million a year but my god he should not be paid like an elite quarterback. 18-19 a year is fair for both sides. Make most of it guaranteed and boom.
  9. I'd give up millions to form a complete team and to win a super bowl yes.
  10. Give me a break. No one knows anyone's true intentions but themselves. Try objective thinking.
  11. I hope Cam's end game is to win a superbowl and isn't just to gouge the Panthers for as much $ as possible. That worries me. We deserve a damn super bowl lol.
  12. If I was the consensus leader and franchise quarterback of the team, already a millionaire and beloved by fans AND wanted to win a superbowl? You're absolutely right. But hey I'm old fashioned.
  13. He posted on Instagram today too! Needless to say today has been a rollercoaster ride.
  14. I'm going to assume you know what possibly means and just didn't see I typed it.
  15. I can't calm down damnit! I feel like that chick from Airplane lol. My beloved franchise has been in the shitter up until recently because of Hurney drafting after the second round and the cap. Do you really blame me for freaking out a little bit at the thought of going through cap hell all over again? I worry some don't see the big picture sometimes. I need an ambien and a Prozac right about now.
  16. I'm hoping something like 6 years 108 million with 70 guaranteed will be enough but meh. Probably won't.
  17. We have holes that need to be filled via F/A before the draft. I'd prefer to not shop at the dollar store for the next 6 years. Don't forget we need to give Olsen, Keeks and possibly Hardy contracts. Don't forget about Norman either.
  18. We absolutely need to grab at least one starting WR and OT at least. I have faith in DG and our scouting department though.
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