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TD alt

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Everything posted by TD alt

  1. We have had some good to great LBs. I would think that Morgan asked Luke, TD and Beason their thoughts about this LB class. If these guys think that this guy Wallace is worth his weight in gold, am I supposed to believe Huddle haters or Panther legends? Yes, that was rhetorical.
  2. Sliders generally slide for a reason. The fact is is that this TE class leaves something to be desired.
  3. Oops, forgot about Rice. It has to be somewhat surreal for Brenden to see Marvin Harrison Jr going so high and him having to wait until day 3. It should put a pretty good sized chip on his shoulder if he's any kind of competitor.
  4. I'd take Javon Baker too, but Malik is my first choice. One thing about these drafts is that they expose media-hyped players. Some of these guys slid way down.
  5. Gotta be Malik Washington at this point. BTW, the Huddle's password recovery is not sending out a link to emails, spam folders or anything else. The contact link on the bottom of the page gets a Mailer-Daemon email. Good grief!
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