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Everything posted by PantherChris

  1. 100% agreed I said before if we take this it's a sweep... Sticking with it
  2. They are gonna pull the next time they get it in our zone
  3. We are the storm they are fat sweaty desperate islanders....
  4. Hope those espn dummies didn't jinx us showing that graphic that the Pisles haven't scored in the third on us.
  5. With the quick turnaround I'm sure he will clinch the series Saturday
  6. The first goal was kinda soft the second one there's nothing you can do. Relax.
  7. I highly doubt they can score 4.... but yeah poor it on
  8. I was having a de ja vu of these turds hurting a key forward again
  9. Hope so he looked in a lot of pain and went back early fingers crossed
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