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  1. Yup he needs at least 8 SB wins to get GOAT talk because TB12 beat him H2H
  2. Anther un watchable superbowl....
  3. Allen has time to lead a hero drive.... will he knock off mahomes
  4. Whats crazy is we drafted him at 20 years old he's only 28...
  5. Well tie... I'm standing by the AFC championship being the real superbowl....
  6. Yep that was their second game with the aves they did nothing in the first.... Get a few practices with the team in...
  7. I mean makes sense being 75% of their starting secondary is out.
  8. Their defense is a bunch of jags mostly it's just about making teams drive the field and turnovers for them
  9. It is when you have comminted the same penalty 3x in a row.
  10. This is pretty much exactly what I expected to see.. I'll be pulling for the Bills hard but fully expecting anther puke bowl of Philly vs KC
  11. I tried telling people that last week when the Washington wagon was filling up they faced two bad defenses in the playoffs and were aided by the turnover battle
  12. Same way they were gifted last week
  13. Eagles lead would be even bigger if they gave Saquan more carries three carries two touchdowns.... idiots
  14. Yep lions ran for 200 yards while committing 5 turnovers that's a lot of big running plays
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