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  1. We have been onto it for a while and I feel like the players aren't buying into rods hoopla anymore
  2. Eeesh this team lacks the chemistry they have had in years past at this point it's feels like a few guys are getting let me be the hero syndrome
  3. I'm going Svechnikov... This season has been hard to watch (and not just because they aren't as good) more to do with they just look lost.
  4. Kochetkov cough cough too lol dude is ass
  5. If you can't show up before the game to talk you ain't got credit to show up after... Minutes Typical Canadian "winner" no balls but want the glory.
  6. Nah no respect you didn't bother showing up prior b*tch made typical Canadian
  7. I may have thought today was Thursday pre morning coffee post.
  8. Oooof the second one he actually shot it in must have thought the wild signed him
  9. Not gonna lie cant stand Thachuk when the Canes play him, but damn if I don't love him when he's wearing the Red White and Blue... https://www.facebook.com/share/r/1638VnZdsd/
  10. Exactly they aren't even worth the effort to boo
  11. Rather doubt he's going to Boston lol.
  12. I mean he also neglected to mention the rat plays for Canada The Thachuks are 1000x easier to pull for than Marchand. Plus murica
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