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Everything posted by pantherfan49

  1. the only way MW sees the court this year will be due to cliffs preference for veterans. He shouldn't crack the rotation.
  2. Ty Lawson is a significant upgrade over Kemba. But can't take Lawson without also unloading Kemba. And finding someone to take Kemba and his contract will be tough.
  3. With Hendo on a one year deal and having serious issues shooting the ball out of the backcourt, Hornets need to upgrade one or both of the backcourt positions. Whether they are intellectually honest enough with themselves to admit that their 12 million dollar PG ain't cutting it is yet to be seen.
  4. How old is he? He was drafted in the same class as hangman. What a good draft for lineman.
  5. Well everyone needs to be worried about in game decision making by this staff. If you aren't, you haven't been paying attention.
  6. Really? Rivera the enforcer? That's what you've gotten from all these seasons of watching Rivera?
  7. Yeah call me silly but I think the whole rape charges will keep sponsors away. The crab legs, not so much.
  8. It's not clear that it has cost Jameis anything financial.
  9. Jameis just isn't very smart. I'm sure this type of thing happens all the time. Admitting to it on national TV tells you just how stupid he is.
  10. Nah. I havent forgotten it. He played quite well leading up to the injury. That was after a horrendous start to the season.
  11. We all know that Mo is going to be relegated to the second unit when kemba comes back, whether that makes sense or not. Mo and Lance leading the second unit back court has very good potential and frankly would be better than Kemba and Lance. Unless you are one of the ones that wants to tank, you've got to be happy that mo saved us from Roberts and has strung together this group of games that have kept the hornets in the playoff race. I wish that this had happened a year ago and opened up a legit convo about just how good of a player Kemba is, but 12 mil a year later is too late. I know this board won't embrace the convo, but it should be discussed.
  12. Best thing for PJ might be to get him out of North Carolina. Still, you don't trade a first rounder this early in his career.
  13. Stats don't tell the whole story but stats say that D Rose was better than Kemba. I don't want this to turn into a Kemba comparison. He made major improvements this year. But all star he is not. And nobody on the hornets roster seems deserving.
  14. Yeah, John Wall, Kyle Lowry, Jeff Teague, Kyrie Irving, Derrick Rose........
  15. He's not a go-to guy, he's not a scorer, he can't take over a game Agreed. And guess what, nobody on the Hornets is that guy either. He will never be an All-Star. Probably correct. But nobody on the Hornets roster is All Star worthy either, with the exception of maybe Big Al from last year. He will never represent this team in the Olympics. Again, Hornets roster.
  16. No doubt that MKG is best player on this team. And our best player has an improving but still awful offensive game. Tells you what you need to know about this roster.
  17. Same here. And Hendo has played better all season.
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