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Vampire the buffet slayer

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Everything posted by Vampire the buffet slayer

  1. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! If you have a PS4 do not and I repeat DO NOT friend Formulawarf16. O.M.F.G most annoying player in the history of Destiny.Ever. You have been warned.
  2. There should be support groups for things like this. "My name is mother grabber and I pied Thered." Group "Hi Mother Grabber"
  3. I won't shard it, I also have a fully upgraded exotic helmet (light beyond nemisis )and the the armor I had is fully upgraded also so once I get my new stuff upgraded I'll switch back and forth as the situation warrants. Nice tip tho.
  4. Yeah equipping it took me back to lvl29 but the ends will justify the means.
  5. Same here for the most part, fieryprophet pretty much carried me through my first weekly nightfall, big up to FP by the way, but it was exactly that a learning experience. BTW if you can friend Prophet and play with him. Hes pretty much a badass.
  6. I hit 20 the other day and haven't had time to play since
  7. Between a wife, a 2 year old, and work I don't get to play as much as Id like to, but I can't play anything else either. The wife got me Farcry4 for Christmas and its still in the wrapper lol.
  8. I wonder why it took so long, it feels like we are being punished for buying the next gen sometimes, I mean all the good games that have come out (for the most part) came out on the last gen also. Destiny, borderlands, last of us, gta5, ect.
  9. Oh, my bad. Yeah want to play it but I have a ps4 and for some damn reason it didn't come out for the next gen systems. Once again my bad I seen a thread a couple weeks ago about Borderlands 2 and that kinda stuck, completely missed the TPS part.
  10. Time to get Destiny bro. Borderlands was great......in 2010.
  11. Boobs = Check Vagina = Check Face hole = Check This qualifies her as my type.
  12. Do it. You won't regret it, the game is one of, if not, the most addicting games ever. Unless you get a strategy guide you'll have a few questions about leveling up, upgraging , ect. Nothing you can't figure out though. After you get to level 25 hit me up we can do some strikes. Vtbs83 on Psn.
  13. Is it me or are they not throwing any flags? Seems that would work to Seattle's benefit.
  14. Its unbelievable the amount of luck RW has, its a shame that he's considered "elite".
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