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Everything posted by L-TownCat

  1. Carolina QBs don’t slide. They either score or get blown the fug up. It’s tradition.
  2. We live in the land of hyperbole. You know how this works.
  3. Don’t feel bad, big money killed the sport years ago. Jimmy Johnson’s “plain triscuit” personality decade of dominance buried it.
  4. What exactly is the point of this? Who cares what 2 gloves woulda coulda shoulda? He gone.
  5. It’s not a theory it’s common practice. Sam/CMC/Robby/DJ/TM is a much more difficult task to plan for than PJ/Chuba/Robby/DJ/“x”
  6. If PJ throws the ball 34 times, then we got blown out. Everybody on planet earth knows the run is coming. 4 quarters of trench warfare. We have no choice. Bill will cook PJ if given the chance. So, don’t give him the chance. Line up, put a hat on a hat and start pushing.
  7. Haha, exactly. To be fair, that’s classic pro-athlete uber-competitive jock talk. Like coach speak. ie: “Let’s Go!” “All Day!” “You been watching film huh? Watch This” Given the above, I’ll credit the hashtag to player speak. But like you said, the noise will only get louder now that they know he will respond publicly.
  8. Yeah but players only want to be talked about when it’s good. You start pointing out flaws and all of a sudden it’s, #justshutupandwatch. I guess at least he didn’t say #shutupandplay or the world would have ended.
  9. Ummm… we’ve done that almost every year of our existence. WE are what happens. THIS is what happens.
  10. You don’t let good ball players go. You never let special players go. DJ looks more special as time goes on. That PBU down the sideline yesterday was beautiful. From press to break to finding the ball and getting between it and the receiver. It was all textbook. And he did it at full speed with no reason to flag him. Gilmore isn’t a guarantee to stay, Horn isn’t a guarantee to recover, Henderson is an unknown, and we might trade Bouye. How do you let Action Jackson walk? Taylor Jr? Melvin? STO?
  11. If this line has more than one of its current starters next year, I don’t think I could watch it. I just won’t accept it.
  12. Nuh-uh. It’s about proving other people wrong. Boom! 10 huddle e-peen points!
  13. I think he gets covered up by other bodies, but dude has been solid IMO. His job is to be where he is supposed to be and that allows the playmakers around him to… make plays.
  14. I love Cam. Hate what the org did to him. We are in no danger of winning a Super Bowl. Why put him in a position to fail? You would prefer hearing all the Cam bashing again? Its not worth it.
  15. Gilmore filled the Jaycee spot nicely. He did to Pitts what we drafted Horn to do.
  16. He needed to see a RB hit the hole with speed. AA showed him that and he responded well.
  17. PJ couldn’t hold Armanti’s jock. PJ has Jimmy Pickles poster on his wall, because he wants to be as good as him someday. PJ has convinced Eric Leaf to give it another go, because, why not?
  18. This could be a useful strategy for “smaller” faster defenses. Pretty much what Dallas did to us. Put a hat on a hat and move your guy out of the way. More traditional defenses will be able to stop it and not to mention it leaves very little room for error. Every drive will need to be 10 plays, no turnovers and not allow any big plays on D. Basically be perfect every game to have a chance.
  19. Oh god we’re about to watch the slowest most boring offense since John Fox.
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