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About L-TownCat

  • Birthday 01/01/1995

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  1. It was a merch drop. Reaper shirts.
  2. Well… we started with about 35 spent a billion and still have 29? What isn’t impressive about that? You can not like the players but the financial maneuvering is pretty wild.
  3. If that’s truly current then hats must be tipped to the FO. That’s pretty incredible.
  4. Bro was giving it his all to be the Ian Thomas of running backs.
  5. Kenny Chesney concert at the bank.
  6. It’s got a couple of them, Bobby Brown and the punter, you can see the newer FAs at the bottom with no numbers.
  7. According to a USAtoday article, the Bengals are notorious for crazy high asking prices and are determined to win lopsided trade deals, rarely lowering the price. Walk away and when they call back offer even less. fug ‘em.
  8. You’re good. I wasnt paying enough attention.
  9. Nobody? Just came up from a search. I was just looking at other folks and got trigger happy.
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