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About MGH1989

  • Birthday 11/02/1989

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  1. There is a segment of this fanbase that would rather lose with a QB that is 6-4 with a cannon than win with a QB like Bryce.
  2. Sadly I think the XL drop was the best shot to score again.
  3. This guy probably had a problem with towel over the head too.
  4. I have a problem comprehending whatever the hell you wrote.
  5. People see red when anyone says anything remotely positive about Bryce. At this point he isn’t the guy but there was probably enough there to let him start next week.
  6. Relative to his own performance he played better. He did make some good high difficulty throws too. It still wasn’t good.
  7. Something good happens and Ickey holds fug this team
  8. Morgan deserves the benefit of the doubt for now. He has made some good decisions with the guards and thus far it looks like we have some draft hits as well. Skepticism with this team is fair though. At this point we need proof of concept before handing out any flowers to anyone.
  9. Of course they need to evaluate it and they obviously will. I don’t make the decisions, I just have an opinion and I’m not sold on any of these QBs. Maybe that changes as we get further in the process. All I’m saying is if you don’t have conviction in a QB this team needs to go defense. If they don’t have conviction they can’t be drafting a QB just to do it.
  10. Mason Graham and DB would feed families.
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