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The Huddler

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  1. great story but we need a stud WR1 I like coker as our #3 gotta have it option.
  2. tbh these teams are dumb as fug for being so quick to fire the NFL has a pre mature firing problem sometimes coaches need a little time to hit success and get their grove
  3. their offense is other worldly. Im sure that has helped that defense. they sure dont trust their D with them going for it all the time late, lets put it that way.
  4. he tore his achilles right? love the dude but hes toast
  5. not based on current accomplishments but the talent is there BY flipped the switch we saw him COOK get him weapons
  6. hes one of the best coordinators and had to work with a bunch of scrubs will turn out to be a good decision mark my words.
  7. my nuts itch all day and i am unable to itch them so when i get home i can finally itch them and it feels amazing.
  8. Hes got that 4th Q gotta have it "it" factor. That poo can't be measured or coached. Its rare and its a SB winning trait. You do whatever it takes to have By be successful. Prioritize weapons, protection, and a Defense. Get BY in position to win something big and he has that rare trait that made him the #1 OVR pick
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