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  1. Love Luke to death but Ray Ray was the goat MLB. Strength, hard hitter, dog of dogs, speed, heart, longevity... Luke never put fear in runners the way Ray did. The fact he was on a team with Ed Reed is bonkers. bahahahaha
  2. I like Hunter but I'd rather have the CB, DL out of Michigan. Or even the WR from AZ.
  3. refs slanted the whole game and then dont call an actual personal foul. classic
  4. that is disgraceful they didnt call that a td. pure corruption in the nfl
  5. I watched this yesterday and was impressed mah boy. Too bad he couldn't hold contain on Mahomes on that last drive. We could have won that.
  6. What can they say? “He’s really slinging to his halfback with confidence” ”He’s seeing the entire backfield today” ”He’s standing tall back there”
  7. we need an OC. Our playcalling is fuging awful
  8. That is some dumb poo. dionte must be lockerroom cancer. I still think we could have gotten a 5th straight up
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