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  1. Sad to see the handful of talented players on the roster waste another year of their lives playing under this clown regime.
  2. WTF is this team doing. Offense is unwatchable.
  3. Told myself I wasn't going to drink today. I lasted one quarter.
  4. Nice breakdown! Really high on YGM and I think he's a great building block for this defense
  5. I'll see you there. Going to be a cold one!
  6. This is absolutely the correct take. Even with the bench playing we don't lose that game
  7. I've been following the Navy Special Warfare physical training guide since March. The guide consists of running, swimming, lifting, and doing calisthenics, typically 6 days training with 1 day of rest. Other than that I try to stay active playing basketball, kayaking, jumping rope, etc.. My appetite is unreal these days with all the exercise. So far so good, I got picked up for a contract last week!
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