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Everything posted by pstall

  1. As a dad of two teens i approve of this message.
  2. Yep. This tells me for now, the FO really struggles in evaluating o line talent. Which explains the lack of 1st rd o linemen drafted so far. It's a blind spot.
  3. I got 24 packages from Amazon today. Igo!!!!
  4. He has only had a toke en career.
  5. I....just...can't trust his durability. I can't.
  6. Per class sounds right. Sorry my assessment hit you in your bunghole. Go back to your binge watching of Road Rules 17.
  7. For the hatred of the machine, some have really really really benefited from it. Some should go shadow HR for a few months and do job interviews. You will be able to tell by the 14th uhh in the interview if they are use to getting trophies just for showing up. I know several millennials that fold like lawn chairs at either the first sign of adversity or when the group doesn't run with thier idea to the bank. Character doesn't come from the trophy to everyone approach. Some perks or rewards for some accomplishments is cool. But we have seen the bad side of the everyone's a winner self esteem sham. I mean we get pie for making comments.
  8. Ok this is freakishly similar to some of mine.
  9. If i can't pronounce it or if i can catch it with my bare hands, i wil not eat it.
  10. 2lbs a week is the goal and we are also going 90 days.
  11. Finally someone thinks im smart. I can walk away from the huddle now.
  12. Not enough UFO stories in the box for my tastes.
  13. Can you kick that high? If so can you teach my grandmother's Pilates class?
  14. Huddle infraction for not using $ properly.
  15. Praying away from people to not show off is but one aspect. If you believe God is sovereign don't you believe Wilson will be dealt with? At the same time, isn't a person of faith supposed to be able to reach out and share the gospel with people? Otherwise how will someone know? If he is a fake ok he is a fake. Im glad some you aren't God or none of us would stand a chance.
  16. If you are a Christian and especially if you are in the public eye, the microscope comes out and stays out. But im glad more are coming forward on why they really hate Wilson instead of it being about football. There are worse examples of players we could wring our hands over. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness should still be achievable. Without seeing his day to day life i have no idea if he is fake or real.
  17. I start a biggest loser contest at work today. To get the most % weight loss any suggestions for the next 30 days?
  18. Somebody dust off some old bobcats threads on drafts and summer leagues to see how off we all were. Lol
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