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Everything posted by Toolbox

  1. The culture at BOA will never change with old codgers running poo.. that's why I hope the next owner is much younger and at least knows what a computer and internet is.
  2. fug this poo.. im tired of this team keeping horrible ass players around like capt and armond.. this team is basically treading water
  3. [olfg9oqwer1qyhwdfo0iqw3euiruq09wuer god dam,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  4. Every single game either the O or the D sucks.. always one or the other.. very rarely they both do good..
  5. Not going for the 4th and inches is just gutless ass pussy football.. you send the wrong message to your team not going for that poo..
  6. Come on shula stop fuging up with the calls and get poo done!
  7. Well its not over but if we dont poo next drive it might as well be...
  8. blame rivera for armond smith.. rivera has no brain either.
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