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Everything posted by Toolbox

  1. lol now they move the ball?? where was this before?
  2. Why do so many college football heroes just not translate to the nfl?? ill never get it
  3. even if we had stroud this team would be complete ass
  4. young is laffing all the way to the bank he is ok with sucking he got his bag
  5. derek fugging carr cooking the panthers.. we truly do suck and are gonna be lucky to win 2 games this year.
  6. I was 100% stroud too bad tepper is too stupid to see any real talent.
  7. seriously guys someone tell me how the fug he got drafted over stroud?
  8. Ill never understand why he got drafted over stroud
  9. young got paid hes just not we hoped he would be..
  10. This team gon be bad for another season... again...
  11. cool I went to the north carolina school for the deaf.. love morganton.
  12. seriously stop talking politics in threads in the main forum..
  13. That's a real scum bag right there.
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